Wear anything festive for Festive Friday. Wear hats, sweaters, antlers, ornaments, be creative elementary students.
over 4 years ago, Sand Creek Schools
Wear your favorite holiday colors (red, green, gold, silver, blue, white) for Color Block Thursday at the elementary school.
over 4 years ago, Sand Creek Schools
Brrr . . wear your favorite scarf, winter hat, or cozy socks for Winter Wonderland Wednesday at the elementary school.
over 4 years ago, Sand Creek Schools
Elementary students just wake up and come to school in your pajamas for Tired Tuesday tomorrow.
over 4 years ago, Sand Creek Schools
Pajama Day
Aggie Youth Wrestling Club
over 4 years ago, Sand Creek Schools
Wrestling Club
Tomorrow morning Jeff Olson will be presenting to 6th-12th grade students about depression, anxiety, suicide hope, resilience, and finding the help that we need during an assembly titled ‘Do it for Daniel’. Jeff has spent 2 years traveling the Midwest speaking to schools about these important and heavy topics. Students have been advised for the past week to see the Counselor before or after the presentation tomorrow or any time this week if they are experiencing strong emotions related to these subjects. We are excited to have Jeff here with us and share his personal story and wisdom! High School assembly will be during 2nd hour, middle school during 3rd hour.
over 4 years ago, Sand Creek Schools
The third grade students were ringing bells at Hobby Lobby this past weekend.
over 4 years ago, Sand Creek Schools
Bell Ringing1
Bell Ringing 2
Girls Youth Basketball Registration is now open
over 4 years ago, Sand Creek Schools
Youth Basketball
Attention 6th-12th Grade: The NHS will be hosting a pajama day. If you would like to participate and wear y pajama's on Wednesday, December 11th, bring $1 in on Monday or Tuesday during lunch. All proceeds will go toward the county wide NHS blanket drive to help needy families during Christmas time. Help support a great cause.
over 4 years ago, Sand Creek Schools
Sand Creek Community Schools has scheduled a Special Meeting on December 9, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. to provide information for a proposed early start calendar for the 2020/2021 and 2021/2022 school year and to provide an opportunity for community feedback. Location: Don Harlan Library 6518 Sand Creek Hwy. Sand Creek, MI 49279
almost 5 years ago, Sand Creek Schools
Early Start
6th-12th grade Coin Drive
almost 5 years ago, Sand Creek Schools
coin drive
Mrs. Gilbert wanted to bring more insight about some of the many science related careers that are out there to her 7th grade science classes. Today Karen Waggoner shared her job as a perfusionist for cardiovascular surgeries. The students had fun trying out some of the equipment she brought in and hearing about this interesting career.
almost 5 years ago, Sand Creek Schools
Science Career 2
Science Career1
Science Career 3
Science Career 4
Happy Thanksgiving from Sand Creek Schools and the 1st grade Turkeys.
almost 5 years ago, Sand Creek Schools
Turkey 1
Turkey 2
Turkey 3
The Sand Creek chemistry classes completed their first Food Chemistry Lab. Groups made either cheesy potatoes or potato soup to study the science of starches. Eighteen different dishes were made and sampled by the high school staff and chemistry students. The best dish(winning the Golden Spoon) were Gavin Porter and Marcus Lorenzo. Our next food chemistry lab is the science behind peanut brittle.
almost 5 years ago, Sand Creek Schools
chemistry lab2
Chemistry Lab
chemistry lab3
Reminder: Today is a half day of school. The jr./sr. high school will dismiss at 11:30 am and the elementary will dismiss at 11:45 a.m. today.
almost 5 years ago, Sand Creek Schools
Starting November 25th, we will be doing the “Why You Matter Project” with a lesson plan and writing prompt asking students to reflect on “Why They Matter”. We are very excited to implement this project! We will be taking photographs of every student displaying their “Why I matter statement”, unless parents decide to opt the student out. If you would like to opt your student out, please contact the counseling office between November 18th and November 22nd. Thank you.
almost 5 years ago, Sand Creek Schools
Ruth McGregor Elementary collected 12 laundry baskets full of items for families entering our local homeless shelters.
almost 5 years ago, Sand Creek Schools
Ruth McGregor Elementary will be hosting a Family Portrait Night by Lifetouch. You will have your choice of a traditional or holiday backdrop and will receive 6-8 poses on a flash drive for $40. If you would like to take advantage of this amazing deal call the elementary office to register or sign up online at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/508084EA4AB2CA7FD0-family2.
almost 5 years ago, Sand Creek Schools
Family Portrait Night
Don't forget that today, November 13th is half day of school. Jr./Sr. High will be dismissed at 11:30 a.m.and the elementary will be dismissed at 11:45 a.m. Parent Teacher Conferences will be held today from 1:00-3:00 p.m. & 5:30-7:30 p.m..
almost 5 years ago, Sand Creek Schools
Half Day
Elementary parent teacher conferences for tonight have been cancelled and rescheduled for Tuesday, November 19, 2019. All practices for today have been cancelled.
almost 5 years ago, Sand Creek Schools