The Sand Creek Community Schools Junior High School Achievement Awards are now posted on the school website and Facebook page. Congratulations to all of the recipients.
over 4 years ago, Sand Creek Schools
Attention Aggie student-athletes... Return to Play starts June 13! All activities will be outdoors and must practice social distancing. No exceptions! The training room, locker rooms, gym, & weight room are all off limits. The following protocols will be in place: 1. The cleaning of surfaces & equipment must occur during workouts. Athletes must wash hands, go home and shower. 2. Workouts will be conducted using the ‘pods’. Small groups of students will stay together for the duration of the workout. 3. Coaches & athletes will be screened prior to the workout. An individual reporting symptoms or with a temperature >100.3, will not be allowed to participate and will be sent home. 4. Athletes not participating in a rigorous physical activity should wear a mask. 5. No high fives, hugs, fist bumps, or spitting should occur. Contact your coach and/or teammates to determine team workouts and weight room activities.
over 4 years ago, Sand Creek Schools
As Sand Creek Schools prepares to meet the needs of our students and families in the face of an uncertain future, we hope to gain a deeper understanding of the current needs of internet accessibility and reliability in our community. As such, we ask that you complete the following survey to help serve you better. Thank you in advance for your consideration!
over 4 years ago, Sand Creek Schools
Building offices will be open beginning Tuesday, June 9th through July 2nd from 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays.
over 4 years ago, Sand Creek Schools
Top Ten and HS Achievement Awards The Sand Creek Community Schools Class of 2020 Top Ten and High School Achievement Awards are now posted on the school website and Facebook page. Congratulations to the class of 2020 Top Ten and all of the recipients of the HS Achievement Awards.
over 4 years ago, Sand Creek Schools
over 4 years ago, Sand Creek Schools
Calendar Update: The last day for elementary students is Wednesday, June 10, 2020. The last day for Jr./Sr. High school students is Friday, June 12, 2020. The additional two days on the Jr/Sr High schedule is due to the septic tank failure school building closing last fall. Students will be allowed to submit work through their last scheduled day
over 4 years ago, Sand Creek Schools
Did you miss the airing of the Class of 2020 Senior tribute on WLEN radio? If you did you can hear it by clicking her:
over 4 years ago, Sand Creek Schools
Tune into 103.9 WLEN Radio tomorrow, Thursday, May 28th at 6:15 p.m. for the Sand Creek Class of 2020 tribute airing.
over 4 years ago, Sand Creek Schools
Do you have a child who will be 5 year's old by December 1, 2020? If you do they are eligible for our young fives or kindergarten program for the upcoming 2020/2021 school year. To register online go to our website at and select Student Registration. If you are unable to register online and would like a paper application mailed to you please email or call 517-436-3108/
over 4 years ago, Sand Creek Schools
now enrolling
Please join us for tonight's Board of Education Meeting at 6:00 p.m. through Zoom. Topic: Sand Creek Board of Education Meeting 5/18/2020 Time: May 18, 2020 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 862 1899 5409 Password: 0ZjE17 One tap mobile +16465588656,,86218995409#,,1#,126132# US (New York) +13017158592,,86218995409#,,1#,126132# US (Germantown) Dial by your location +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) Meeting ID: 862 1899 5409 Password: 126132 Find your local number:
over 4 years ago, Sand Creek Schools
School Board
If you are interested in filling out a student placement information form for your child for the 2020/2021 school year the forms are available online: The deadline to submit your input is tomorrow May 8, 2020.
over 4 years ago, Sand Creek Schools
over 4 years ago, Sand Creek Schools
Class of 2020
We have received many questions on what you should do with the learning packets when students have completed the work. I encourage you to take a look at the Plan for Continued learning that will help guide and answer the questions that you have. What will the Learning Packet method of instruction look like? Learning Packet students will be learning through hard copy lessons and assignments provided by their teachers. Learning packets will include teacher instructions to help guide students and parents through the lessons. Due to safety concerns, Learning Packets will be a one-way street. Students completing learning packet assignments should hang on to their assignments until directed to submit them at a date to be determined. Teachers may encourage learning packet parents and students to take photos of their completed work to send to their teachers for evaluation and feedback. Our teachers will be attempting to make periodic contacts with their learning packet students as requested. If you have any questions please email
over 4 years ago, Sand Creek Schools
Sand Creek Jr./Sr. High School students: It's not too late to order your yearbook! Order today so you don't miss out. To order a yearbook, please visit and enter the school code (1013770309793778).
over 4 years ago, Sand Creek Schools
Class of 2020 Senior Parents: Please join us at 6:00 p.m. tonight for senior class information. Please register with your first and last name to be allowed into the meeting. Click here to enter: ttps:// Meeting ID: 724 8128 8772 Password: 002089
over 4 years ago, Sand Creek Schools
In celebration of an unusual graduation year the senior class advisor's delivered yard signs to our 45 graduating seniors on Friday.
over 4 years ago, Sand Creek Schools
Good morning Sand Creek Class of 2020 seniors. This is Mr. Laundra. If you’re not aware, I am hosting a 4pm senior class zoom meeting this afternoon from 4-5pm to update you on where we’re at, and where we’re heading in the next 4-5 weeks. This meeting is NOT mandatory. After updating you on what I can, I plan to spend the remainder of our zoom time taking your feedback and answering as many questions as I can. Your feedback will help our school district make the decisions that need to be made in the best interest of the Class of 2020 and their parents. Mr. Peacock has sent out zoom invitations for this afternoon’s meeting through your school assigned email addresses. We will also be posting this afternoon’s zoom meeting login information to our school website at 3:30pm. I have also invited your class advisors and a few key teachers of seniors to zoom with us this afternoon. In addition to today’s meeting, I plan to schedule a Sand Creek senior parent meeting for next Tuesday evening to basically do the same thing we’ll be doing this afternoon. I am anxious to listen to your thoughts this afternoon. In the meantime, stay safe and stay up. Together, we’re going to make the best of what we have to work with, because we deserve the best. Rock on.
over 4 years ago, Sand Creek Schools
Cole Scharer and Caleb Johnston stopped by Mr. Hewitt's house to present their World History 7 project while maintaining their social distancing.
over 4 years ago, Sand Creek Schools
distant learning
distant learning
We are requesting that our parents take advantage of two scheduled opportunities to pick up their student’s personal and school belongings. The school is in the process of bagging and tagging student belongings from student lockers and desks for curbside pick-up scheduled for Friday, April 17th. These bags will likely include textbooks and workbooks that may be used during the stay at home education process. The schedule and format for picking up your student’s belongings is as follows: Friday April 17th, 2020 Students north of Gorman Hwy. -- noon to 1:30 p.m. & 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. Students south of Gorman Hwy. -- 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. & 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
over 4 years ago, Sand Creek Schools